Registering on the Portal
The following workflow explains how our registration process works:
1. CIC Plus Developer Portal
Through our developer portal, developers can create their own sandbox. Our goal is to ensure a better experience for developers. If you are new here, please proceed to Step 2 for details on the registration process.
If you already have an account with us, then please login to access all the portal features.
2. Register
Now that you have explored all of our available resources, if you feel ready to take the next step, then this is where you would register. Registering on our portal gives you access to our developer portal as shown in Step 5.
Our registration page is shown below. The fields marked with asterisk are required.
3. Confirm
Upon successful registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link that allows you to confirm your account.
4. Login
Once you click on the confirmation link mentioned in Step 3 you can successfully login to the portal using the details provided.
5. Additional menu options
In addition to allowing developers to subscribe to one of our API products, creating an account on the developer portal allows the logged in developer to access more features.