Pay Statement Setup Workflow

*Note: All urls mentioned in this document are samples and the actual url will be available once the client subscribes to the product.

The initial workflow of setup is an iterative process that can be repeated until the pay statement is formatted as desired.


Every CIC Plus endpoint will require two headers: authorization and a subscription key.  The header information is as follows:


Content-Type: application/json

Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key: {subscription key}

Authorization: bearer {token}

You can learn how to get an authorization token on this page. Subscription key can be found on the Profile page:


1. View Samples

The sample Pay Statements can be viewed by using the endpoint /paystatement/admin/samples.  This will provide a list basic pay statement formats that can be directly used by assigning it to your company. 

You can view the PDF or image for the pay statement by using /paystatement/admin/samples/pdf . A thumbnail version of the sample can be accessed using /paystatement/admin/samples/thumbnail

Below is the example GET request sent to the /api/paystatement/admin/samples endpoint. This request will return a list of all the Pay Statement sample formats that  CIC Plus offers its clients for a specified culture. We currently offer 3 formats  - English (en-US), French (fr-CA) and Spanish (es-MX). 


The response will contain the status code. If the request is successful, then the name and description of all the pay statement formats that CIC Plus offers will be displayed. These can then be downloaded and viewed in pdf format.

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json
Response :
[ { "name": "cicplus", "description": "the original" }, { "name": "client1", "description": "client1 sample transform" }, { "name": "client2", "description": "client2 sample transform" }]

Below is the example GET request to retrieve a Pdf of the Sample Pay Statement


If successful, a Pdf file will be returned with the response as an attachment.

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-disposition: attachment; filename={name}.pdf; filename*=UTF-8''{name}.pdf
Content-length: 122685

2. Assign to your company

If you are satisfied with one of the samples, use the endpoint /paystatement/admin/assignment to assign it to your company.  You can then skip to the Upload logo step.  Otherwise, you can download a sample and customize it to fit your needs, as described in the next step.

You can have more than one Pay Statement template, and you can specify a Template Name when you assigning it.

Below is the example POST request sent to the /api/paystatement/admin/assignment endpoint. You can get the sampleformatname from step1.


The response will contain the status code, and if successful, the selected pay statement format will be assigned to the client. Appropriate error messages will be displayed in case of errors.

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json
Response : List of success or errors

3. Customize Pay Statement

To customize a pay statement, you will need to download XSLT as a starting point. 

The endpoint /paystatement/admin/samples/transform will allow you to do this – pick the sample that most closely matches the format that you want. 

Below is the example GET request to access the sample transformation file


The response will contain the status code, and if successful, will contain the xslt file.

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json
Response :
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"

4. Upload modified XSLT

Once the XLST is modified, you can upload it using the endpoint /paystatement/admin/upload/transform.  To view your customizations, you can upload pay statement source data (see item 7 below) as described in the workflow for processing pay statements. You can additionally specify a template name for your custom XSLT.

Below is the example POST request to access the sample transformation file

Content-Type: application/json
  "localizeCulture": "en-US",
  "name": "{name}",
  "xslt":"{escaped XSLT}",
  "templateName":"{custom name}"

The response will contain the status code, and if successful, the uploaded xslt will be assigned to the client. Appropriate error messages will be displayed in case of errors.

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json
Response : Returns OK or list of errors

Some instructions on how to customize the XSLT file can be found here.

5. Upload Logo

A custom logo can be used on your pay statement.  Upload a JSON object in the format below with a base64 encoded logo file. The endpoint /paystatement/admin/upload/logo will allow you to do this.

Below is the example POST request sent to the upload logo endpoint

Content-Type: application/json
  "templateName":"{custom name}"

The response will contain the status code and any applicable messages.

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json
Response : Returns OK or error message

6. Get Pay Statement XML

Pay Statement XML can be retrieved from the samples.

Below is the example GET request to retrieve the XML

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json
Response :

7. Preview Pay Statement

You can preview what the pay statement looks like by uploading a JSON object as show below with escaped pay statement XML data.

Content-Type: application/json
  "releaseDate": "{date}",
  "fileName": "{name}",
  "xml":"{escaped paystatement XML}",
  "templateName":"{custom name}"

If successful, a Pdf file will be returned with the response as an attachment.

200 OK 
Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-disposition: attachment; filename=preview.pdf; filename*=UTF-8''preview.pdf
Content-length: 122747